Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus Sativus , commonly known as the “ saffron crocus “.
The vivid crimson stigma and styles, called threads , are collected and dried for use mainly as a seasoning and colouring agent in foods .
Saffron has long been the world’s costliest spice by weight.
Although some doubts remain on its origin , it is believed that saffron was first grown in Iran .
However, Greece and Mesopotamia have also been suggested as the possible origins of this plant.
Saffron is also said to have been domesticated in or near Greece during the Bronze Age.
Sativus is possibly a triploid form of Crocus cartwrightianus , which is also known as “ wild Saffron “ .
Saffron crocus slowly propagated throughout much of Eurasia and was later brought to parts of North Africa , North America , and Oceania .
Saffron taste and iodoform - like or hey - like fragrance result from the phytochemicals picrocrocin and safranal .
It also contains a carotenoid pigment, crocin , which imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and textiles.
Its recorded history is attested in a 7th-century BS Assyrian botanical treatise , and has been traded and used for thousands of years.
In the 21st century Iran produces some 90% of the world total for saffron with best qualiy.